Celebrating 150 years of artmaking

In 2025, the Art Student’s League of New York will have been making high-quality, studio-based art education accessible to all for 150 years

The League’s Legacy

Explore the history of the last 150 years and discover all the artists that walked through these walls with our interactive timeline.

Launch Timeline
may 29
June 2

Save the Dates for our Anniversary Weekend

June 2, 2025 is the League's official 150th Anniversary. To celebrate, we have a series of events scheduled in the days leading up to this historic event.

150th Anniversary Exhibition Opening
The Dream Ball

Exhibitions to Celebrate our Anniversary

The League’s exhibitions are a cornerstone of our commitment to the education of artists—and the public at large.

see all 150 exhibitions

Shaping “American” Art: A Celebration of the League at 150

Presented in celebration of the League’s 150th anniversary, this exhibition examines the League’s rich and complex history and its role in shaping the trajectories of American art from the school’s founding to today.

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150 Years: A Portrait of the League

This exhibition presents a multi-faceted portrait of the Art Students League over the last 150 years.

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Have your own story you’d like to submit?

Submit your memory here

salute to the League

Celebrating the League all over the world

We are celebrating League artists and their incomparable impact on American art by partnering with museums, galleries, foundations, and other institutions.

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Discover League artworks across New York City

Visit 150 New York City public artworks by League artists in our curated map. We’ll be hosting open sketch events at some of the most exciting entries—from Louise Nevelson Plaza, to Rockefeller Center, to the top of Central Park. Click below to launch the map.

150 Stories

150 Stories is a landmark publication that honors the League's history with 150 essays by leading scholars and critics on the role the League has played in lives of its great alumni.​ Trace the last century and a half of art history and learn how artists like Jackson Pollock and Yayoi Kusama found their voices in our studios. You'll receive a free copy as a thank you for a donation to the League's annual fund. 150 Stories will be released in the spring of 2025 and copies are limited. To join the waitlist and be notified when our book is launched, click below.

Support the League

Help us bring our vision of accessible art education for all to life for the next 150 years by making a donation today.