Gregg Kreutz

Gregg Kreutz is the author of the best selling Oil Painting Essentials as well as the instructional classic Problem Solving for Oil Painters (now in its thirty-fifth year of publication), both published by Watson Guptil/Random House.
He has won numerous awards and has had one man shows at Grand Central Gallery, New York City, The Garver Gallery, Madison, Wi, Gallery at Shoal Creek, Austin Texas, and The Newport Art Association, Newport, RI.
He teaches a morning painting class and an evening drawing class.
A quote from Oil Painting Essentials;
“In order to depict something truthfully, the artist not only has to decode external reality, but has to probe the nature of perception.
How we perceive is just as important as what we perceive. Art can only occur when biases are confronted, filters removed,
and the artist opens up to uncorrupted reality. When that happens, beauty can flourish.”