A tradition that’s more than a century old, the Art Students League of New York’s annual Instructor Salon is an exhibition of work by current League instructors. This year’s salon, which features work by a group of nearly 100 accomplished artists, reflects the broad range of styles and subjects taught at The League in an exemplary display of our community’s creative powers.
Elizabeth Allison, Arslan, Garin Baker, Hugo Xavier Bastidas, Bill Behnken, Martha Bloom, Peter Bonner, Frederick Brosen, Jeff Buckland, Michael Burban, Sherry Camhy, Naomi Campbell, Alison Causer, Dionisio Cimarelli, Susan Cirigliano, Sylvie Covey, Augustine Cummings, Mariano Del Rosario, Jon deMartin, Lisa Dinhofer, Harvey Dinnerstein, Bruce Dorfman, Henry Finkelstein, Marilyn Friedman, Oscar Garcia, Leonid Gervits, Dan Gheno, Peter Golfinopoulos, Sam Goodsell, Dean Hartung, Barney Hodes, Heather Hutchison, Yuka Imata, Marshall Jones, Sonomi Kobayashi, Gregg Kreutz, Ronnie Landfield, Haksul Lee, Leonid Lerman, Michele Liebler, Pat Lipsky, Eric March, Knox Martin, Margaret McCann, Mary Beth McKenzie, Greg Michael Follender, Donna Mitchell, Yasumitsu Morito, Jill Nathanson, Charles Nitzberg, Frank O’Cain, Karen O’Neil, Richard Pantell, Dana Parlier, Joseph Peller, Michael Pellettieri, Richard Piloco, Paula Poons, Scott Reeds, Peter Reginato, Ephraim Rubenstein, Douglas Safranek, Wendy Shalen, Robin Smith, Brandon Soloff, Sharon Sprung, Anne Stanner, Natsuki Takauji, Kamilla Talbot, Dan Thompson, Lynn Tomaszewski, Thomas Torak, Bennett Vadnais, John Varriano, Costa Vavagiakis, Frank Webster, Jerry Weiss, Deborah Winiarski, and Jason Yarmosky
Technical Instructors:
Montserrat Daubon, Chin Yin Katz, John Kuo, and Tomomi Ono